Twenty-One Pilots is one of Babygirl's favorite bands. Sometimes on road trips (AKA Medical Excursions) she'll pick the playlist, and we'll hear, "Wish we could turn back time to the good old days, when the Mamas sang us to sleep, but now we're stressed out."
I feel ya, Pilots. I feel ya.
Babygirl had upper endoscopy today, to see if a reason could be found for the vomiting and weight loss. The doc found a few odd spots, did some biopsies (results, of course, pending), and he noted that one of the biopsy sites bled until he finally clipped it (which, frankly, means nothing in particular medicaly but explains why a 10-minute procedure lasted more than half an hour).
I took the entire day off to allow for the kinds of things that happen to us. Sometimes somebody wakes up in the morning, looks at Babygirl's HISTORY instead of her date of birth and does a "you-need-to-show-up-here-2-hours-early sort of thing. This actually happened on Friday, when they changed our arrival time from 3 PM to 1 PM so they could get the (inevitably negative) pregnancy test and a potassium level (which kinda matters if you don't want to accidentally kill your kidney-failure patient while she is anesthetized).
I have to laugh sometimes. Based on insurance (Medicare) and diagnosis (on dialysis) they sometimes appear to be looking for a little old lady when they come in the room.
The change in arrival time meant that I was smart not to work the morning. But it did give me a few hours to work on some other extremely necessary things.
Curly girl hasn't been able to work since before Christmas. She has NEVER not worked, except for part of the pre-vaccine pandemic, when she stayed home to supervise remote learning for 3 kids (which is Work with a capital W in my opinion). Her illness has been severe enough that she is unable to much around the house, or really care for the kids. For the time being, she is living with me.
This morning I made her sit down and apply for disability (and by "made" I kinda mean that I yelled at her a lot until she started it). It was a massive struggle for her to do given her level of exhaustion.
While she was doing THAT, I went on hold with the insurance company. I was on hold so long that I had 10 minutes to help Curlygirl with her stuff, 15 minutes to get in the car (with the phone ON HOLD) to pick up Babygirl from dialysis, and a good while after that to keep listening to the on-hold light jazz. When they finally came on, I discussed the latest Explanation of Benefits (EOB) package that had come in.
This truly delightful representative looked at the records: No secondary insurance was listed for the new claims. To be fair, most of these claims were generated before I spoke to the insurance last time. We spent at least as much time on the phone as I did on hold while she went through claim by individual claim going back to the beginning of February. She promised to keep working on them all after we hung up.
I spent the rest of the morning discussing things with the doctor's offices and hospital billing. I had to speak to our phone company (harder to speak to than hospital billing, TBH) about that fact that both Babygirl and Hubby now have their own damned services so why am I still paying for them???
I'm done with this day. I mean, a lot got done but WHY does it need to be done in the first place?
I need someone to sing me to sleep.
PS I'm sitting here finishing a LARGE serving of Pinot Gris. A big shout-out to Citygirl for making me learn to appreciate wine that isn't swill. And I had a good cry before dinner. Some days you just need that.