We had 3 grands at the house today from 6:30 AM until 3:30 PM. This group is the gang I refer to as "feral." Their mother thinks that this title is both true, and funny. Ranging in age from 8-13, they are funny, sweet, and most likely to destroy the entire house.
Each of them wanted to make a potholder. I have 2 looms and 3 kids, and they have, thus far, never successfully completed even one, but we have time, so, yes, of course! And the one with no loom? A game of Othelo. I beat the pants off of him. They all know that if they beat me at a game, they have EARNED it. No Mercy Rule here LOL.
Saturday is farmer's market and grocery day. They did 2 rounds of rock/paper/scissors to determine who would be stuck in the middle seat. Great excitement to the winner.
"Can we have coffee?" Well, I didn't say NO, exactly, but I did convince them to try vanilla chai, which made everybody happy. Since the farmer's market is next to the botanical gardens, I turned them loose with instructions to make sure Every Single Path had footprints on it.
Can we climb the hill behind Aldi? Well, it's one of those cut-straight-up-the-side-of-the-mountain things that typically has large electric line towers. Death risk is small, injury risk modest. Sure! Who wants to try it? The younger 2 went for it. They were game but ill-prepared. Sneakers, ice water, no gloves? They did better overall than I expected. I think they managed about a 50 foot vertical gain before they felt the cold hands weren't worth it. They got colder and wetter on the way down, but did not complain about it.
I did not participate, in case you wondered. I supervised.
Coming home involved a pre-planned small gingerbread house assembly. One of the 3 succeeded. One asked, about 2 minutes in, "Can I just eat the gingerbread?" Of course!
Cookies were made and eaten. Babygirl supervised all of that. I did all of the dishes.
"Grandma, can I eat a jalapeno pepper?" Absolutely, it that is what you want. (That was NOT, it turns out, what they wanted, but...lesson learned?)
The tree was assembled and decorated. My porch has lights. We are down any number of small brokent things, none of any value or significance. Joyful noises were made.
Inevitably it go to be a bit much, so I sent everybody outdoors to run up and down the street 15 times. Bean had arrived by this time, and although she was dressed in what looked like an Easter outfit, she gamely went out to run as well.
We did say "no" to staying for dinner. My ears were ringing from the noise by that time.
But overall? I like not being the one to say no. The insanity has a flavor to it, a beloved scent. It's the smell and taste of memories.
PS They are all coming back again tomorrow while Mom works. Pray for us.