Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Eight Years Wiser.....

"I think if I'd known how hard it was going to be I'd have toughed it out on dialysis." - Babygirl.

Eight years in.  Meds twice a day.  Ongoing, neverending cautions to avoid infections.  Headaches triggered initially by one of the transplant medications that did not resolve when the medication was stopped. 

It's hard, at this point, to guess which side of the coin would give you the better quality of life.  The short-term death rate is higher with dialyis. Swimming would be harder because of the catheter, and traveling for a vacation with the machine? Not really sure how that would work.  And how do we know for sure the migraines wouldn't have become an issue anyway?

There's no backpeddling on the journey: It's the road we're on. There are awesome times and bad times, and Babygirl has become an amazing young woman despite/because of the challenges she face for so many years.

She's kind, loving, funny, generous.  She's a great daughter, devoted dog mama, wonderful sister, amazing Auntie. But if wishes were horses, we'd for sure own a large herd.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing your story and journey. It is not easy to do or but I appreciate you sharing your knowledge and insight so others like my family can learn more.
