Sunday, June 2, 2019


One of the grandkids recently had headlice.  This would be less of a problem if said child's parents' work schedules hadn't been set up in such a way that they needed someone to take him to school every morning. And, rather than awaken him and a babysitter at O'Dark:30, he's been spending the night in our guest room so Babygirl could  get him up and walk him to school.

Now, this is not a crisis of the epic proportions that it was when his Mama and her 5 long-haired sisters spent ONE ENTIRE SUMMER struggling with an infestation of lice. (I have a touch of PTSD thinking about that:  A vivid flashback to a tub full of little girls with smelly cream rinse in their long hair whining about those dreadful combs - UGH.)  It's just a one-room intensive cleanup with the usual transplant-level clean of the rest of the house, but....

Babygirl CANNOT get headlice.  This is just one more ridiculously simple infection that NO ONE considers important that people with suppressed immune systems cannot tolerate.  These little critters bite the scalp, opening up the skin to all kinds of infections like cellulitis and lymphadenitis.

That is correct:  Babygirl could end up hospitalized because of a simple case of head lice.  This is what anti-rejection medications do to your immune system.

One more time:  Transplantation is a treatment for kidney failure, not a cure.  It has its own long-term, never-ending risks as well as benefits compared to dialysis.  We need a cure.


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