Friday, October 4, 2024

Covid 2.0

 This is the third time Babygirl has had Covid.  In no case did she become Very Sick, although the first time it cost what little hope we had of rescuing the first transplant from disaster.

It's my second run.  Both times I've caught it from Babygirl after she went out with Curlygirl to do something somewhere.  Neither time, thankfully, did Curlygirl get it.  Her own Covid 1.0 is still wreaking havoc on her, almost 3 years down the line. 

Last time I was pretty sick and the recovery took forever, but I started symptoms on a Friday night (the family has a theme I think) and didn't call my doc for help until Monday. By then it was a bit too late to start an antiviral effectively, so the disease did what it does.

This time?

Well, to continue the WTD line from my experience with Ana's on call people?

I called my doc Tuesday in the morning. He is himself an entirely faithful sort who never leaves a message unanswered, so when it go to be pretty late in the afternoon, I put in a second call.  I was on hold for an atypically long time, about 20 minutes.  When someone picked up, I asked about my message status.  She found it and then asked,  "Who is your doctor?" I told her and she said, "He is not here." "Well, where is he?" Her answer was a polite but confusing, "How would I know?"

It turns out that he message was inadvertantly sent to another office 30 miles away from my doc.  And how did I end up talking to that distant office when I dialed MY doc's number?? We got disconnected during the call.  I double checked the number, which I had pulled from my contacts. It was correct, so, what....?

I called again and got an almost immediate answer at the correct office. Mystification all around, but hey, that's for IT to figure out and not my problem to call them. My doc is in office but leaving town SOON so she promised to get his nurse right away and have her call me. 

It turns out that Paxlovid doesn't like MY medications either, so I also got the Unicorn Drug.  Even though my pharmacy was open, I risked a higher co-payment by sending it to the pharmacy I knew had it.

I am blessed, truly, that I had no less than 4 people who asked if I needed them to go anywhere/get anything/do whatever.  I am MORE blessed that Curlygirl was feeling well enough to be one of them. She took a more than 20 mile round-trip journet from her home, to the phamacy to me.  The copayment, incidentally, was $0.

How am I feeling? Well, yesterday, I got up, made coffee and toast, consumed a little of each and took a nap from 8-10 AM.  I spent the rest of the entire day snoozing or watching stupid TV and was in bed asleep by 8 PM. It was an increase in activity from the day before.

Today I did the coffee/toast, picked up after myself and emptied the dishwasher, did a load of laundry and put on actual clothes. I walked Maisey less than half a mile with my lower abs (why?) screaming at me by the time we returned home.

I am pretty sure I'll be able to pay the bills, do another load of laundry and fill the dishwasher.  After that we'll see. 

Overall 2.0 is a much better experience than the first run. 


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