Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Turning It Upside Down....

Once you have lost 80 pounds, you have a little....mmmm....slack.  Since I have about 20 more to lose to get anywhere close to a healthy weight, I have to live with this for the time being.  Dressing around this requires careful shopping and fitting, and if you all want to say you never noticed, well, then, I'm shopping pretty well, thanks.

But I'm enjoying this yoga thing, so I'm making a comittment in appropriate clothing.  I had pants, but they were purchased about 30 pounds ago.  Loose t-shirts do okay for cover up, but when you go into Downward Facing Dog, you get Upward Facing T-Shirt.  Not only can't you breathe, but everyone else gets a flashy show.  And the slack stuff?

Okay. Feel free to stop reading if you are faint of heart.  Or take a shot of whiskey or something.

It's bad enough that when I am moving quickly up a hill there are inexplicable squamous smackdown noises when my 'apron' meets my upper legs.  Turn that upside down and there's an almighty adipose avalance toward my ribcage.  To make things worse, I finally learned how to relax all my facial muscles when I'm upside down.  I'm thinking that perhaps Maybelle the hound-dog has been reincarnated in the result:  I can feel my jowls displace my cheeks, but that's okay because I think my cheeks have shoved my eyelids up to my hairline.  (Side note:  If I were truly intended to put my arse above my wrists, a merciful Father would not have let it get so big.)

Thank God for Old Navy.  They actually believe that Plus Size women exercise, and they make stuff that keeps your skin from sliding all over the damned place while you do it (well, except my face.  No fixing that in this life, I suppose), and shirts that stay DOWN without making you look like you are wrapped in an inner tube.  I wouldn't wear it to Walmart (although I've met people who would), but I'm okay for class.

So far this has had no measurable effect on headaches for either Babygirl or I, but I feel like my posture has improved, and I can tell my balance and upper body strength are better.  It's an easy place to meditate. And it seems nice to be in a 'sport' where the only competition is internal, and everyone cheers everyone on.


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