Tuesday, August 25, 2020

A Pirate's Life....

 Not all little girls want to be Princesses. Knowing which grandchild is which KIND of kid matters when assisting the Primary Princess, er, Pirate, in selecting the appropriate activity. So, Sunday, we went on a Pirate Pizza Picnic.

Let me tell you, that when we arrived to pick up Athelia's siblings, neither of them looked too excited by the prospect of the Princess Party their sister had no doubt been incoherently and exhaustively describing to them since we dropped her off the previous day.  Nicklaus was positively glowering at us. (Athelia, on the other hand, was still wearing her princess dress.)

We stepped out of the car, in full pirate regalia, with written "Ahoy, Matey!" type invitations and handed them pirate clothes.  The reactions were gratifyingly shrill LOL.  

The Pirate Adventure took place at Hickories Park.  It speaks to how grim this quarantine has been that both Rosie and Klause felt that 20 miles was a LONG way from home.

Pirates, ready to loot the world.

Ahoy, Mateys! We are learning that creek waters are treacherous!

And full of dangerous creatures! 

Honestly, this is the point where Rosie, the True Pirate, is explaining to her little brother that "Mom says you have to be careful here or you could sink into the mud and die."
This is why she is not a Princess.
She WILL make you walk the plank.
Plank walking practice.

Pirate Cap'n Maryam does a pretty nifty map.

There's a little movie of the treasure hunt. 
Blogger hates movies.

Success! Treasures found!
(Side note: I destroyed some of my Mission Team work shirts for this project. Sacrifices on the Pirate Altar.)

So we went to the river to watch the other Pirate Ships.

And went home for the Pirate Afterparty Swim.  This is the first time the littlest pirate has ever let go of the ladder and ventured out into the pool. I guess if you can survive a creek with crayfish, frogs, purported quicksand, and minnows, a pool with floaties suddenly seems pretty tame.

So memories were made, and treasures taken home (with an extra treasure box for the princess!).  Next up?  Stay tuned!


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