Thursday, January 13, 2022


 Babygirl got the news yesterday that she'll be released either Friday or Saturday, depending on how she does with yesterday's dialysis, and availability of a slot for her on Friday vs Saturday. I've been told we'll know tonight.  

We finally have the answer to how long she needs to quarantine for Covid.  It's 20 days.  Since her immune system doesn't work, it takes transplant patients longer to clear the virus, and some shed live virus for quite a while (in other words, they remain contagious longer than other people). So although she is coming home, she has to wear a mask outside of her bedroom. We need to wear masks. We can't sit and eat dinner together.

Dialysis has been set up locally (BGH for those who know local LOL).  Her first appointment/treatment is this Monday at 5:15 AM.  She has to go MWF. I could have opted for TuThSat, but that would have been in the late afternoon, and she deserves to keep her Saturdays open for hiking, shopping, and things we do together. 

I'm not sure how this impacts things like beach week. Baby steps. 

Geordi laDog is home after her staycation with our HERO Lynne.  She was extremely excited to see her "pack" but clearly was looking for Babygirl. Oh, yeah, Babygirl has a puppy, 11 months old, Bassett Hound. She's a bit of a much, so she went on vacation so Hubby could manage the other 3 dogs without her, erm, input. Bassetts have OPINIONS. 

So I don't know if I'm working tomorrow or traveling. Given Saturday's grimly cold weather prediction, tomorrow would be the better option. Not that my opinion is at all relevant here. LOL.


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