Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Week Twenty-two - More Gratitude....................

Once you start counting your blessings, more of them become obvious.  So I am going to mention a few that I forgot, or at least one that has appeared since my last post.

Sunday I needed to take Babygirl to the tertiary center for two doctor visits.  One with anaesthesia, so they could see that she was healthy enough to survive sleeping through a five hour procedure.  And one with pulmonology since (she has a history of asthma), to make sure she is breathing well enough to survive transplatation.  We had no difficulty with either exam,since she just had her first surgey without complications, and since her last asthma attack was about seven years ago.

But what am most grateful for is that a good friend who lives about a thousand miles away suddenly turned up at my door while I was loading up to leave.  You see, I had this insane plan to run Babygirl's gravity dialysis IN THE CAR while we were driving the three hours to my sister-in-law's house.  The principle of that is that you dump in a liter or so of fluid, leave it in for an hour and then drain it out, repeat times six.  I figured we could get half of it done on the road, half at my sister-in-laws's house, and then be able to SLEEP.  But my friend, who has known me since we took a prenatal exercise class together twenty-two years ago, looked at me and said, "You are in no condition to drive.  I'll take you."

Now, seriously.  She drove from Florida.  To Boston.  And then five hours HERE.  And she wants to hop in her car and drive another three hours?  And back the next day, all while her lunatic friend juggles dialysis bottles on her garment hooks?

That's the kind of friends I have.

I'd be insane not to be grateful.  So she drove, we caught up with each other's lives, and I ran the gravity dialysis for the first time.  Needless to say it was a learning experience.  Can it be done in a car?  Yup.  Is it a good idea?  Not bad actually, but better maybe on a longer journey.  I screwed up enough that she got three runs instead of six, but I figured that was better than skipping altogether.

And after our appointments I stopped at the transplant unit to drop off a copy of our local heart doctors visit (done to make sure her high blood pressure hasn't damaged her heart - it hasn't).  They kept us an extra hour to have me sign permission to get her on the active transplant list and draw a tube of blood.

So now we are listed in two states!  Yippee!  And it WAS bliss to sleep a whole night.  Now, if it isn't to much to ask, I'd like to sleep a whole night in the same bed as my husband ;o)


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