Friday, December 30, 2011

Week Thirty-six......Facing A New Year.....

Last year at this time I thought I was surviving just about the worst thing that had happened to me, ever.  I was on heavy meds for a run of migraines that literally could have killed me.  I was beginning to believe I had permanent brain damage - I couldn't add small numbers, remember big words, pull sentences together (all things of some importance when one makes a living as a physician).  I was not sure I'd ever be able to work again, and was trying to imagine how we'd survive financially.  I had a pregnant teen in the house and was very worried about her.  Hubby's knee was wrecked, my oldest daughter was suffering from post-partum depression, and I'm sure I've left some things off the list of cares and concerns.  I clearly remember thinking, "I can't WAIT until this year is OVER. 2011 has GOT to be better."

Well, the cognitive issues turned out to be the result of the migraine meds, and are mostly better.  Both my daughters are doing fine, and my granddaughters are delightful. Hubby had is knee repaired and is back to work. We had a loving and happy Christmas despite our financial constraints.

But there are new challenges.  My mom's health has been declining and more of her care rests on me.  I am still not able to work full time, so money is tight.  I have another pregnant teen.  Our kids were displaced by the floods, and lost much of what they owned. Hubby's dad died on Christmas Eve.

And Babygirl still needs a kidney. And we are still unable to get her dialysis paid for by either our insurance or medicare.

I certainly can't say I am sad to say goodbye to 2011.  But I am superstitiously afraid to wish for a better year.  Look what it got me last time.


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