Saturday, May 9, 2015

Help Help HELP....

Mom was moved to a nearby nursing home in the middle of the day yesterday while I was at work.  Her friend came, packed up some clothes for her and went over to try and minimize the confusion. 

Babygirl and I went over today.

The first thing we were confronted with as the elevator door opened was an old lady in a wheelchair yelling, "Help! Help!  Help me!"  Babygirl was astonished that I simply walked past her and on to her Grandma's room.  "Shouldn't we go get somebody?" she asked.  By the end of an hour she understood why I'd just walked by.  The cries for help never let up for more than a few minutes at a time.  As we were leaving she asked me, "How do they know if she really needs to use the bathroom or something?"  "I have no idea, baby."

We were lucky enough to arrive just as Mom's aides were coming in to help her get 'cleaned up.'  I filled them in on what she was doing here and what she had been capable of at home only 10 days before.  They were a bit surprised - they'd been afraid to let her out of bed.  I filled them in on the need for her 'panties' (I brought along a bag), helped them get her into her favorite nightie, and promised to come back with her own walker so she could get around better. 

While they were getting her settled Babygirl and I met nice lady who was walking the hallway, fully dressed and carrying a handbag.  She was clearly planning on leaving, but carefully introduced herself to everyone in the hallway.  She  introduced herself, told us she was a nurse and told us we were beautiful - especially admiring Babygirl's black hair. "I always wanted dark hair - I'm just a 'dumb blonde!" she joked, pointing to her patently grey head.  She gave us each a kiss on the cheek, introduced herself to us again, and then to the aide, and then announced she was going home and headed down the hallway.

Mom wasn't hallucinating, was pretty sure she wasn't in the hospital, and was also pretty sure she needed to go chat with the lady who needed 'help.'  "Maybe it would calm her down if I just sat with her."  Good idea, Mom, you go for it.  Make sure you introduce yourself to the nice blonde nurse lady.

Here's hoping the place inspires her to get up and get moving and get strong and get HOME.


1 comment:

  1. My mum has been 12 years in a nursing home. An ever changing, but always the same cast of characters have entertained her and frustrated her over the years. Definitely not a place you want to end up at. Wishing your mum a speedy "recovery" so she can make it home to you.
