Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Week Thirty-two - Planning More Travel......

Usually at this time of year we make a trip to my Dad's, about four hours away.  This would put us five hours from our secondary center, and nearly eight from our tertiary one.  I hate to break with tradition, but I have to admit to a certain degree of discomfort with that second distance.

We did learn, when we last received a phone call about a potential kidney, that there was a four-hour wait for the matching alone.  In that time, we could be home and packing.  But then we would face an additional three to four hours to get to a hospital.  And quite honestly, I'd really hate to face her surgery already totally exhausted!

Of course, we really only have two choices.  We can continue to live our lives as normally as possible (which we have been trying to do), or we can refuse to leave the house to go in any direction that takes us AWAY from the transplant center. All of the other travel I have done with Babygirl has been more or less toward the transplant center, or at least no further away than where we are now. So now I have to consider a new aspect of this problem.  There are also weather issues to consider.  My dad's house gets tons of snow, usually starting in October.  We have, so far, never been snowed in there on a December visit.  January is much riskier in that regard, and we are likely to go back then as well. And of course, we need to pack enough suppies to do CAPD for two days, maybe with a couple days extra in case of snow.


There is always one more thing to think about, one more thing about our lives that just isn't as simple or carefree as it used to be.


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