Friday, January 14, 2022

About the When.....

 Thank all of you for your concern for Babygirl, and for your prayers.

Here is the answer to the question I've been asked several times in the last 24 hours:  When, exactly, is she coming home?

Here are the answers I've gotten from Babygirl, the Transplant Team Coordinator, and the nurses and doctors on the floor.

She is going to have dialysis Thursday and Friday and she can be discharged after dialysis. We will try to get her into an early morning slot Friday because you have to drive so far.

If she can't get dialysis on those 2 days, we will discharge her Friday, and she can come back Saturday as an outpatient.

(She did not have dialysis Thursday. Someone forgot to order it.  Incidentally, her sodium levels are quite low so they restricted her fluid intake, which, if she had a WORKING kidney would cause sodium retention.  It didn't work, oddly. Her sodium level is the same this morning as it was yesterday.)

As of 9:20 AM today, she has not been sent to the 9 AM dialysis slot.  Instead, she is getting a transfusion, which has not yet been started. She has been told she will get dialysis later. Certainly, she will have to have it again tomorrow if what they said earlier is true, but I haven't been told.

So she will be home either today (unlikely), tomorrow, whenever someone fixes whatever craniorectal impaction seems to be going on, or possibly the 12th of Never.

To be fair, her level of anemia needs fixing, and low sodium can be dangerous.  I haven't had anyone tell me what they think of her overall stability for discharge.

In other words, though, I am doing my best to let y'all know what I know. And right now that is, apparently, nothing. 


PS You also should know that I go to bed about 8:30, and I'm up at 4:30. I'm going to start answering all y'all when I get up LOL.

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