Monday, June 11, 2012

Cobb Salad.....

It's a beautiful day when you can't report anything more interesting than what you had for lunch!

Following two nights of insomnia (really, Walter, who plays Words With Friends at 3 AM??  And seriously, who beats ME at a word game?? It's proof, if ever we needed it, that nurses ARE smarter than doctors), we had an uneventful doctor visit.  Kidney function is okay, 0.9, stable.  They did levels of her tacrolimus (spell check wants to change that to 'trilliums' LOL) both before and two hours after a dose,  the point of which was to determine whether or not Babygirl needs to take this drug every eight hours instead of every twelve.  They have the results, but here's the kicker - they don't know how to interpret them.  Alrighty, then.  I guess they are consulting with pharmacokinetic specialist (someone who studies where drugs go after you take them?) tomorrow and they'll get back to us.

I hope to heaven that they don't switch up the meds.  She has to continue some of them every 12 hours, 7 AM and 7 PM.  If they switch one to every 8 hours, she'll take meds at 7 AM,  3 PM, 7 PM, and 11 PM.  Our odds of missing a dose rise dramatically if I have to wake up, wake HER up, and give her pills.  She sleeps 9 PM to 6:30 AM, and will have to eat with the 7 AM, 3 and 11 PM doses.  She gets out of school at 3:40.  Taken as a whole, this is utterly impossible. But hey, it may never (please God!) happen.  But somewhere out there there is undoubtedly some poor mom who is dealing with this schedule.  Pray for her.

The drive down and back was wonderful, the Prius easy to manage.  It was hard to park it - I'm so used to big vehicles that I kept landing two feet away from the curb.  It got over 60 MPH on the highway (seriously!) and gas cost us under $25.

So we splurged for lunch.  We went to Perkins, and Babygirl had French toast with a side of grilled asparagus (yeah, I know).  I had a Cobb salad.  There is nothing quite so wonderful as the taste of bacon, avocado and grilled shrimp all in the same mouthful with crispy lettuce!


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